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Active members

For active members

You work for National Gas and pay contributions into the Scheme

The National Gas Transmission Pension Scheme is a defined benefit (DB) scheme. It is closed to new entrants. While you’re an active member, you pay contributions into the Scheme. The Company also pays contributions and is responsible for ensuring the Scheme has enough money to pay your retirement benefits.

When you retire, you’ll receive a pension based on your salary and length of service. 

If you leave the Company before you retire, you stop paying contributions and become a deferred member. Your benefits stay in the Scheme until you’re ready to start taking your pension. When you die, your partner or dependant receives a pension. Alternatively, if you decide not to take your benefits from the Scheme, you can transfer out. 

You can opt out of the Scheme at any time, but because the Scheme is closed to new joiners, you won’t be able to rejoin it in the future. Instead, you would join the Company’s defined contribution (DC) pension arrangement. Please think very carefully and take financial advice before making the irreversible decision to opt out of the Scheme. 

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What it costs

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Your benefits

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